
In half-a-dozen Siraha villages, drinking water is a rare luxury


Lahan, April 23

In parts of Siraha district, summer means one thing: A deepening shortage of drinking water.

Thanks to prolonged drought, people of at least six villages of the district — Govindapur, Bastipur, Nainpur (Dhangadi VDC-3) — have been reeling under an acute shortage of water since the summer began.

With tubewells and public taps running dry, local people have no option but to trek to neighbouring villages in search of water. With most of the water sources in Nainpur dried up, local people have been facing problems galore.

Sanjit Mahato, a local, says: Four wells — a public well and three private wells — located in our village have either dried up or are drying up.” Given this situation, we have no optin but to go to a nearby village, which is two kilometres away, in search of water, he says.

Yogilal Sah, a local, says three of the wells have already dried up, while the fourth one is also likely to dry up very soon. As a result, around 200 locals have no option but to rely on the well belonging to Ramavatar Mahato for water.

A few months ago, a team comprising Man Bahadur BK, chief district officer of Siraha, and other officials had visited the water shortage-hit Nainpur.

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