
10 ways you can celebrate Environment Day at home

environment campaigns sustainable tourism environment day
Representational image. Photo: Pexels/ Artem Podrez:

The world celebrates Environment Day to highlight the importance of environmental conservation and encourage worldwide action to protect our planet. The day gives everyone an opportunity to reflect on our collective responsibility towards the environment and take meaningful steps to address issues that are harming the environment.

There are numerous ways you can celebrate Environment Day. You can take part in events taking place throughout the country or if you do not want to do that, you can even celebrate it at home. Remember, even small actions can make a significant difference in protecting the environment. Celebrating Environment Day at home allows you to cultivate sustainable habits and inspire others to do the same.

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Plant a tree or start a flower garden

rooftop gardening hobbies for all ages
Representational image. Photo: Flickr

Planting a tree or a flower garden in your home is a wonderful way to contribute to the environment. Not only do trees provide shade and beautify the surroundings, but they also help combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Flower gardens, on the other hand, attract pollinators and promote biodiversity.

Make a homemade bird feeder 

home made bird feeder to celebrate world environment day at home
Representational image. Photo: Pexels/ Chris F

Creating a homemade bird feeder is a fun and rewarding activity that can attract more birds around you. You can make a simple birdfeeder using materials like recycled bottles or old containers. Observing birds visiting your feeder adds beauty and joy to your outdoor space. You can provide a source of water during the hot summers and food for your feathered friends, especially during colder seasons, when natural food sources may be scarce. 

Reduce, reuse, and recycle

Trash_Recycling_with_Disposal_Containers_waste management
Segregating waste is the only way forward.

Take the opportunity to declutter your home and identify items that can be recycled or repurposed. You can celebrate Environment Day by practising responsible waste management by committing to recycling paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclable materials.

Start by separating places to keep the different materials and setting up a system to process those items separately. Waste segregation at home is the best way to make sure you are not sending times to landfill and be directly a part of the environment conservation process.

Start using a compost bin

compost bin for waste management
Using a compost bin to dispose organic waste from the kitchen will help in the valley’s waste management say experts.

Starting a compost bin is a simple yet effective way to reduce waste and nourish your garden. Instead of sending organic food scraps and yard waste to the landfill, you can turn them into nutrient-rich compost. Composting not only diverts organic matter from the trash but also enriches the soil, promotes healthy plant growth, and reduces the need for chemical fertilisers.

Create eco-friendly decorations 

home made decorations world environment day at home
Representational image. Photo: Unsplash/ Nick Fewings

You can also try reusing or upcycling as a creative way to celebrate Environment Day. By repurposing materials you have at home, you not only reduce waste but also showcase your creativity and commitment to sustainability.

Get creative and make eco-friendly decorations for your home using recycled materials. Upcycling items like jars, cans, or old fabrics can give them a new life as unique and stylish decor pieces. 

Take a nature walk 

ecotourism nature walk
Representational image. Photo: Pexels/ Kai-Chieh Chan

Take a nature walk and learn about local wildlife a little outside the comfort of your home. What better way to celebrate Environment Day than be close to nature?

You can research and list out the possible destinations to visit and the kind of wildlife you may get to witness. Many organisations and websites offer virtual tours or live nature calms that allow you to explore various ecosystems and observe fascinating creatures in their natural habitats. So you can take natural walks online too. Expand your knowledge by immersing yourself in these natural experiences.

Participate in a community litter cleanup

File Photo: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City launches Clean the City campaign in Kathmandu, on Thursday, June 1, 2017.
File Photo: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City launches the Clean the City campaign in Kathmandu, on Thursday, June 1, 2017.

Participate in a community litter cleanup or if no one is organising one in your area, take the initiative and create an event. Gather like-minded individuals and dedicate a day to cleaning up public spaces, parks, or community places, hitis and phalchhas.

By taking action against litter, you contribute to a cleaner environment and help protect wildlife from the effects of pollution. By going local, you can be a global part of the Environment Day campaigns.

Have a vegetarian or vegan meal 

healthy diet and fitness - intermittent fasting
Representational image. Photo: Vegan.rocks

Consider having a vegetarian or vegan meal and learn about the environmental benefits of reducing meat consumption. A healthy and delicious way to celebrate Environment Day.

Livestock farming contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. By opting for plant-based meals, even if only occasionally, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and support a more sustainable food system. 

Make your natural cleaning products

home made cleaning products for environment day
Representational image. Photo: Pexels/ Polina Tankilevitch

Making your natural cleaning products using ingredients like vinegar and baking soda or lemon can be another way to celebrate Environment Day. Conventional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm both the environment and human health. By using natural ingredients, you can create effective and eco-friendly alternatives that are safe for you, your family, and the planet.

Learn about energy-saving habits 

power on and off button
Representational image. Photo: Pexels/ Jakub Zerdzicki

Learn about energy-saving habits and implement them in your home. Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, or adjusting thermostat settings can make a significant difference in reducing energy consumption. Like on earth day, this Environment Day too, you can switch off and use less power.

By adopting these habits, you not only save money on utility bills but also contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. If you are confused, start by conducting an energy audit you can assess your home’s energy consumption and find ways to reduce it. 

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