Nepali politics
Interest groups run Nepal’s parliament, and it’s jeopardising democracy

Interest groups run Nepal’s parliament, and it’s jeopardising democracy

Balen Shah’s demolition drive and public support: What does this mean to Kathmandu?

Balen Shah’s demolition drive and public support: What does this mean to Kathmandu?

Nepal parliamentarians prioritise populism than anything else, and it’s costing democracy

Nepal parliamentarians prioritise populism than anything else, and it’s costing democracy

Balen Shah’s bulldozing waltz: How shall it go ahead?

Balen Shah’s bulldozing waltz: How shall it go ahead?

How Nepal’s first lady is becoming the country’s de facto ruler

How Nepal’s first lady is becoming the country’s de facto ruler

What will it take to free Nepali universities of politics?

What will it take to free Nepali universities of politics?

Why do politicians in Nepal lie?

Why do politicians in Nepal lie?

Women’s leadership: Why local elections 2022 are forgettable

Women’s leadership: Why local elections 2022 are forgettable

This is how Madhesh-based parties are losing control over their stronghold

This is how Madhesh-based parties are losing control over their stronghold

Do 2022 local elections mark the death of alternative forces in Nepal?

Do 2022 local elections mark the death of alternative forces in Nepal?

Govt padlocks Batas Group-run hotel at Pashupati

Govt padlocks Batas Group-run hotel at Pashupati

Nepal’s ‘democratic’ political parties are grooming monarchies within them

Nepal’s ‘democratic’ political parties are grooming monarchies within them

Patan Court’s interim order allows Batas to operate Hotel Anand

Patan Court’s interim order allows Batas to operate Hotel Anand

Nepal parties render National Assembly, which should have been an experts’ house, irrelevant

Nepal parties render National Assembly, which should have been an experts’ house, irrelevant

Rs 1 trillion is the total worth of Nepal govt’s physical property

Rs 1 trillion is the total worth of Nepal govt’s physical property

Probe panel tells govt to scrap the deal that let Batas operate a hotel at Pashupati dharmashala

Probe panel tells govt to scrap the deal that let Batas operate a hotel at Pashupati dharmashala

You can’t only blame Batas for recent scandals; politicians and bureaucrats are also responsible

You can’t only blame Batas for recent scandals; politicians and bureaucrats are also responsible

Batas says businesses at Pashupati dharmashala, Narayanhiti Palace Museum are legal

Batas says businesses at Pashupati dharmashala, Narayanhiti Palace Museum are legal

How Batas, a Nepal conglomerate, is misusing Indian aid meant for pilgrims for moneymaking

How Batas, a Nepal conglomerate, is misusing Indian aid meant for pilgrims for moneymaking

Public property mismanagement is rampant in Nepal thanks to officials’ ignorance

Public property mismanagement is rampant in Nepal thanks to officials’ ignorance

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