
Left alliance to restrict provincial govts to 10 per cent of assembly size

Kathmandu, January 25

The left alliance, which is preparing to lead six of seven provincial governments, says it will restrict the size of provincial governments to just 10 per cent of the size of concerned provincial assembly.

Though the constitution allows provincial governments to be as big as 20 per cent of the assembly, the CPN-UML and the CPN-Maoist Centre have decided to maintain austerity.

UML leader Surendra Pandey says a meeting of the joint task force of two parties made the decision today. The two parties are preparing to lead provincial governments in six provinces except Province 2.

Meanwhile, the meeting has agreed to finalise the names of would-be ministers and provincial speakers on coming Sunday.

Discussions have begun about likely names today itself, according to Pandey. He hints that the UML will lead governments in provinces 1. 3. 4 and 5, whereas discussions are underway about provinces 6 and 7.

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