
Tiger, rhino found dead in Chitwan National Park

dead rhinoceros rhino calves - rhino horn
Sketch for representation only: A dead rhinoceros

Chitwan, May 7

A tiger and a rhino were found dead in the Chitwan National Park (CNP) today. The carcass of a big cat was retrieved from Bhimpur of CNP while the rhino was found dead in Nawalparasi (Bardghat-Susta East), according to CNP information officer, Ganesh Prasad Tiwari.

A squad from the Nepal Army’s security post from Amrite retrieved the big cat and the cause of the death is yet to be known. Similarly, a male rhino was found dead in a community forest along the CNP buffer zone at Kawasoti municipality-15 in Nawalparasi. As the information officer said, it is assessed the animal died naturally. The hooves and a horn of the animal remain non-extracted and safe.

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