
Relief materials yet to reach earthquake survivors as they spend the night under the open sky

Relief material
People in Khalanga in Jajarkot sleep under the open sky as they continue to wait for relief materials. Photo: Chandra Bahadur Ale

Jajarkot, November 7

Survivors of the earthquake that struck Jajarkot and Rukum West on November 3 continue to spend nights in the open, as promised government relief materials have yet to arrive, four days after the disaster.

People representatives from districts say this is due to the government implementing a one-door policy on distributing aid in the area. Any organisation distributing relief materials are required to notify both the district administration office and local authorities.

This has meant, people in both Jajarkot and Rukum West have had to spend the night out in the open. Some people have even had to spend the last two nights on an empty stomach as most of the ration they had was buried in the earthquake.

Field assessment by the Nepal Red Cross has estimated that over 14,000 people have been affected by the earthquake.

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