
Don’t escalate conflict by gunning for Constitution amendment, UML warns Prachanda government


Kathmandu, January 15

The main opposition CPN-UML on Sunday cautioned the Prachanda government not to engage in acts that create misunderstanding and escalate conflicts.

At its standing committee meeting on Sunday, the UML asked the government not to widen the rift and trigger conflicts by pushing the Constitution amendment process ahead. It reiterated that the Constitution Amendment Bill that the government recently tabled in the Parliament is unconstitutional and against national interest.

The party has asked the government to announce the date for elections, present Election-related Bills in the House, create an environment for passage of the Bills and also form an Electoral Constituency Delimitation Commission.

The party also decided to launch a Mechi-Mahakali national campaign. The drive will start from Kakadbhitta, Jhapa district, in about seven weeks from now, covering all major cities of Tarai-Madhesh districts.

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