
Video games are popular in Nepal. It’s time everyone understood their impact on teenagers

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Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash

The impact of video games on teenagers is a contentious topic. While some believe that gaming may help young people by improving their ability to solve problems and foster a sense of community. Then, others are worried about the potential drawbacks, such as addiction and social isolation.

Whatever the impact might be, video games are growing popular in Nepal, and it is projected to up continuously. Esports, which involves video gaming, is said to be a field of substantial growth in the country. It means the nation needs to know its impact on the growing generation.

A substantial amount of study has been done on the effects of gaming on children. While some studies have identified benefits of gaming for children, such as an improvement in spatial awareness and problem-solving abilities. There are other studies where that have discovered drawbacks like an increased risk of addiction and violent conduct.

Pros of video games

One of the key reasons in favour of gaming is that it may provide youngsters with a sense of belonging. Whether through online multiplayer games or live gaming events, gaming enables young people to interact with individuals who share their interests.

Many children find that playing video games gives them a sense of being in a community and belonging in a world where they would otherwise feel alone or distant. Teenagers who may not have many opportunities for social interactions outside of the virtual world may find this to be especially true.

Some contend that gaming can have cognitive benefits in addition to social ones. Teenagers might learn to solve difficulties by playing games that frequently demand players to strategise or solve hard puzzles in order to win.

Additionally, playing video games can enhance spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination, which can be advantageous when driving or operating on patients. These abilities may be applied to other spheres of life and may even provide them with an advantage in the job market.

According to some research, folks who play strategy games may be more creative and flexible in their thinking than those who do not.

Cons of video games

PUBG Mobile Global Championship
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Concerns exist, nevertheless, regarding the detrimental effects of gaming on youth.

The likelihood of addiction is one of the key issues. While playing video games may be pleasurable and exciting, it can also become compulsive, which can affect one’s ability to sleep, eat properly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

According to certain studies, youth who play too many video games may become socially isolated since they do not communicate with others in real life. Teenagers who may already suffer from social anxiety or social skills may find this to be particularly troublesome.

In extreme circumstances, gaming addiction can make it difficult to operate normally and even result in mental health problems including sadness and anxiety. Another issue is the possibility that young gamers would experience stress and anxiety as a result of their gaming.

Many games are made to be difficult, which can be stressful for players under pressure to succeed. Additionally, the competitive aspect of many games can make losing players feel frustrated and disappointed. Teenagers may feel under pressure to constantly improve their performance in order to prevent failing or losing, which can cause tension and anxiety to spiral out of control. This is often the case with teens, who may be extremely competitive and driven to succeed.

Children who spent more time playing video games had worse grades and were more likely to have behavioural issues, according to research published in the journal Pediatrics.

However, the study also discovered that violent games or prolonged playtime had a more harmful impact on children than other types of games.

Overcoming challenges

While there is some evidence to suggest that video games can have adverse consequences on children, additional study is required to fully understand the nature and scope of these effects, according to a systematic review published in the journal Pediatrics.

The analysis also discovered that youngsters who played violent games or who already had mental health problems were more susceptible to the detrimental effects of gaming.

Overall, the evidence on how gaming affects children is still not quite clear. While some studies have discovered adverse consequences, others have discovered either good effects or no effects at all.

Parents and other adults who are responsible for children must educate them about the hazards and promote healthy, balanced gaming habits. This may involve establishing time restrictions on gaming, ensuring that kids have a variety of other interests and activities, and keeping an eye on the games that they are playing.

Another problem is the chance that gaming will expose minors to objectionable material. Although there are games that are just for a certain age and parental restrictions, it is not always simple for parents to keep an eye on what their teenagers are playing and being exposed to.

Teenagers who may have access to their own gadgets and be able to download games without their parents’ knowledge may find this to be particularly true. Violent or sexual themes are examples of inappropriate content.

In conclusion, there are many factors that affect how gaming affects teens. While playing video games might have benefits like enhancing problem-solving abilities and fostering a feeling of community, there are also possible drawbacks like addiction and social isolation.

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Gautam is a software developer who is passionate about technology and its impact on society.

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