
Milan Pandey-led team releases new political document to challenge Rabindra Mishra

L-R: Milan Pandey, Keshav Dahal, Ranju Darshana and Rajendra Pangeni

Kathmandu, August 3

Days after the Bibeksheel Sajha Party Chief Rabindra Mishra released a political document proposing the abolition of federalism and a referendum on secularism, a group of influential party leaders have released another document to reject Mishra’s suggestion.

The document titled the Mainstream of Alternative Politics states Mishra’s proposal will take the country’s politics in the wrong direction. Milan Pandey, Keshav Dahal, Rajendra Pangeni and Ranju Darshana say they want to consolidate republicanism, protect secularism and reform federalism.

For that, the leaders say the country should adopt a model of directly-elected executive and a non-parliamentarian council of ministers selected on the basis of excellence.

“But, we cannot take the party formed to change the situation of citizens into an endless instability in the name of changing the system, just by blaming the inability of characters.”

Darshana says they were forced to bring this document out as they felt Mishra’s proposal confused the public by questioning the issues already settled in the constitution.

Read the full document here.

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