
Govt forms high-level panel to adopt prevention measures against coronavirus

KP-Sharma-Oli-1Kathmandu, March 1

The government has expressed deep concerns regarding the widespread coronavirus infection and assured it would adopt serious caution and preventive measures against it.

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Saturday called a meeting of concerned ministers, urging them to take necessary measures.

After the reports of the virus spreading across Europe and the Middle East, where many Nepalis live, the World Health Organisation has also put Nepal in the high-risk zone.

The meeting formed a high-level committee led by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Ishwor Pokharel to discuss the prevention and precaution measures against the widespread virus.

The committee will closely observe the activities in the countries connected to Nepal via airways and formulate necessary preventive measures.

According to a source, the meeting discussed the need for monitoring and even banning flights to and from the countries that are under serious threat of the virus. The committee is doing its homework on the matter currently.

PM Oli has directed that every passenger arriving in Kathmandu be checked as well as directed the Tribhuvan International Airport to keep the necessary equipment and doctors for the much-required examination ready.

The virus that outbroke from the Wuhan city of China in December last year has so far has not spread epidemic in Nepal. A man who was suspected to have contracted the virus has already recovered after treatment. The other two suspected patients tested negative for coronavirus.

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