
Talks ongoing to reopen KU

File: Kathmandu University

Kavre, September 3

Talks are ongoing since the beginning of this week in a bid to end the padlocking at the offices of various officials of Kathmandu University. The KU Professors’ Association had padlocked the offices of vice-chancellor, registrar and deans, putting forth various demands, around one month ago.

The talks began after Minister for Education, Science and Technology Giriraj Mani Pokharel directed the authorities to address genuine demands of the protestors and remove the padlock.

Hem Raj Kafle, Public Information Officer of the KU, shares that a discussion is underway on the final point of the four-point demand put forth by the association. He further shares that they are also discussing recognising the professional organisation of existing professors and employees and making it a part of the organisational structure of the university.

“Other three demands were addressed after a wider discussion. A meeting of the KU senate has to approve some of the issues,” he adds.

Among the demands put forth by the association include amendment to the KU Act to remove discriminatory provisions and ensure all-inclusive participation, recruitment of university teachers and employees, career development, formulating necessary rules and policies for incentives, addressing the issue of university teachers and employees who have been serving for long on contract or temporary basis and preparation of necessary plans for educational quality improvement of the university.

Bed Mani Dahal, the chairperson of the association, says they had to padlock the offices of the university in protest of the KU’s apathy towards implementing the past agreements and understandings.

The talks committee from KU comprises Prof Dr Bigyan KC, Dean of the School of Management, as the coordinator, and KU administration chief Mukunda Upadhyay and Prof Dr Bal Krishna Luitel as members. Likewise, the protesting association is being represented by chairperson Dahal.


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