
Sudur Paschim govt allegedly refurbished old mini trucks to distribute them as ambulances

Dhangadi, January 9

The Sudur Paschim government refurbished 16 mini-trucks taken out of service to distribute them as ambulances and allegedly embezzled millions allocated for the purchase of ambulances, it has been revealed.

This came to the fore after most of 16 ambulances, each priced at Rs 1.9 million, distributed by the government’s Ministry of Social Development on November 6 had to be sent for repairs. Questions have also been raised about the amount the government paid for the vehicles. According to ministry spokesperson Hemraj Khadka, the government paid Rs 3.9 million for each vehicle despite customs concessions for ambulances. It has been revealed that the 407/031-4 2121 model vehicles handed over in November were made in 2014 and are no longer in production.

Following allegations that the ministry refurbished trucks used in the Terai to ferry vegetables to make them look like ambulances, Chief Minister Trilochan Bhatta summoned minister Krishna Raj Subedi to enquire about the procurement. He has also directed the minister to investigate the case and make the findings public. The minister, meanwhile has remained mum on the issue.

Drivers behind the wheels of the ambulances have flagged a number of issues with the vehicles. Driver Uddhave Khadka from Tate Health Post in Bajura said he has carried ill people on his vehicle to Dhangadhi only twice, but the ambulance has not held up. Similar is the experience of Jogbudha Hospital’ Dr Jitendra Chaudhady and Doti Hospital’s driver Ratan Dhami.

Spokesperson Khadka said that there were reports that the brakes on the vehicles did not work as required and the ministry has ordered the supplier to look into it.

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