
No one can impose Kaligandaki diversion on us: Gandaki CM Gurung

Prithvi Subba Gurung

Pokhara, August 8

Gandaki Province Chief Minister Prithvi Subba Gurung says no one can impose the proposed Kaligandaki-Tinau diversion project on the people of his province.

Gurung, who has been raising his voice against the project for a long time, said that a sizable area upstream will suffer from drought if the project went ahead. Gurung’s comment comes days after ruling NCP leader Bishnu Paudel, in his visit to his Rupandehi constituency, said that he will convince Gurung about the project.

Gurung, who is also the party’s province in-charge said,”Neither Brahma-Bishnu nor Maheshwar can make the project possible.”

During a programme in Butwal, Rupandehi on Monday, Paudel said that it was his duty to convince the people of Palpa, Syangja and Tanahun to diver the Kali Gandaki. “Yes I did hear about Paudel’s comments, but he hasn’t talked to me about it,” he said. “I have spoken on the issue in multiple fora. This is not Prithvi Subba Gurung’s personal issue,” he added.

Gurung said that Paudel should understand how resources such as rivers and mines should be used under the federal system. “We cannot implement the programme just because Paudel prepared it when he was finance minister,” argued Gurung. He said that Kali Gandaki now belonged to provinces 4 and 5 and no changes can be made without the consent of the two provinces. Gurung said that Tanahun, Syangja and Nawalpur will be turned to a desert if water is diverted to the Tinau.

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