
Two new species of birds discovered near the Narayani river

Greater-White-Fronted-Goose (1)

Nawalpur, January 10

In a bird census conducted last year, it was revealed that two new species of bird were reported near the Narayani river in Nawalparasi.

According to the coordinator of the count in the west of Chitwan National Park, DB Chaudhary, the two new species were black-headed gangchill and greater white fondant goose. “The two species were reported this year near the confluence of the Narayani river.

The latest census has reported 38 species of birds in the Nawalpur area, he adds. The census was held in four areas including the Chitwan National Park and nearby wetlands.

Of the species reported in the last census, however, 10 of the 46 species were not seen this year.

In comparison, he also adds that the number of migratory birds reaching Nepal had decreased, but the local birds showed little to no difference in the number.

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