
Election Commission writes six parties to correct PR provincial lawmakers’ lists

File: Election Commission

Kathmandu, January 2

The Election Commission on Tuesday has written to six political parties ordering them to correct erroneous lists of provincial assembly members elected under the proportional representation category.

Earlier on Monday, the Commission had found that lists submitted by Nepali Congress, Rastriya Janata Party Nepal, Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Rastriya Janamorcha, Rastriya Prajatantra Party and Sanghiya Loktantrik Rastriya Manch did not adhere to the requirements set in the law about proportional representation of various clusters.

The Commission says lists of other parties are okay and do not need any correction.

The parties have been given the time till Thursday evening to submit corrected lists.

The Commission’s spokesperson Dinesh Ghimire says the corrected lists will be checked again and the parties will face legal action if they found failing to comply with the law again.

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