
Mayor Balen cancels his China visit stating concern over its new political map

File: Balendra Shah aka Balen Shah
File: Balendra Shah aka Balen

Kathmandu, August 31

Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balen Shah has cancelled his visit to China.

At the invitation of the Chinese government, Balen was scheduled to go to Beijing on Thursday afternoon for tourism promotion and cultural exchange.

Balen cancelled his visit to China, expressing grave concerns that the recent map released by the Chinese government does not align with Nepal’s new political map. Instead, it depicts Nepali territory as part of India.

Balen expressed his concerns on social media over China’s decision to include Nepali territory as a part of India, without consulting Nepal. Therefore, he says, he has decided to cancel his five-day visit to China on ethical grounds.

On May 20, 2020, Nepal made public its new political map of Nepal including Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani.

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