
Activists break Kamalpokhari’s concrete slab demanding preservation

Activists break a concrete slab and build a small pond at Kamalpokhari of Kathmandu, demanding the preservation of the natural pond there, on Friday, February 26, 2021. Photo: Aryan Dhimal

Kathmandu, February 26

A group of activists associated with the civil society movement have broken a concrete slab installed there by the Kathmandu metropolitan city, on Friday. They staged a demonstration demanding the preservation of the old pond.

Earlier, it was reported that the local government was preparing to build a concrete lotus there, by destroying the natural pond. Heritage conservation activists in Kathmandu have been protesting the plan for the past few months.

Meanwhile, the activists also built a small pond there to express they wanted to see a natural water body there again.

The activists also clashed with police during the event.

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