
Syama-Sveta: Collective, colourful expressions through b&w analogue photography

Members of Film Foundry at the photo exhibition 'Syama-Sveta' at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel.
Members of Film Foundry at the photo exhibition Syama-Sveta at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha

Water does not have any colour and it can shift its form effortlessly. Though it is associated with calmness, its persistence also has the strength to break boulders.

Water as an element has the capacity to flow freely, and the photo exhibition Syama-Sveta (black and white) by the members of Film Foundry has captured the same essence, embracing water as their motif. The photo exhibition that began on November 28 at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel, features a collection of black and white analogue photographs put together by Film Foundry.

The exhibition is a collective effort of photographers Jigme Namdol (Tibet), Rupesh Man Singh, Jagadish Upadhaya, Abhishek Shah and Palden Tsering Sherpa (USA). They are members of Film Foundry, a collective of artists sharing similar beliefs and interests in the medium of analogue photography.

Colourful expressions

According to the visual artist Bidhata KC, also one of the curators of the exhibition, the exhibition is a must-watch for those who are looking for inspiration and new ideas. She says, “Film Foundry’s collective effort can be seen in the exhibition. Viewers can see how age-old technology can still be preserved and used, to explore new means of expression.”

Photographs displayed in the exhibition Syama-Sveta at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha

This exhibition projects their exploration of the analogue medium, and an attempt to re-introduce many possibilities of it. The exhibitors have used mediums such as silver gelatin prints, lokta paper prints, and liquid emulsion of watercolour paper, among others.

In a photograph, an image of a conch has been superimposed with the images of a flower and a nude girl, creating a dream-like scene with surreal characteristics. The light and shades in the photograph also add dimensions to it.

The photograph is on display in the exhibition 'Syama-Sveta' at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha
The photograph is on display in the exhibition Syama-Sveta at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha

Creativity explored

The black and white photographs in the exhibition are not just mere photographs; they have the quality of paintings, treated with a sense of creative expression and free flow, again holding the spirit of water.

Photographs printed on lokta paper in the exhibition 'Syama-Sveta' at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha
Photographs printed on lokta paper in the exhibition Syama-Sveta at Dalai-La Boutique Hotel, Thamel. Photo: Sangita Shrestha

“This is our passion for the technique. You do not get the results quickly in it and for us, the waiting game is a form of relaxation,” Shah says, “Once you enter the dark room with the negative, it gives you a space to think about another dimension in order to get the results.”

They also add different layers in that space. “So, for us, this process is appealing and we are constantly experimenting as well,” he adds.

Photograph using liquid emulsion on an aluminium sheet on display at the exhibition, Syama-Sveta. Photo: Sangita Shrestha
A photograph using liquid emulsion on an aluminium sheet on display at the exhibition, Syama-Sveta. Photo: Sangita Shrestha

Another artist Singh explains that the use of analogue is about quality rather than quantity. The artist, behind the camera, has to consciously make the decision about what to capture and even the end results. The rarity of the materials used in analogue photography also makes them more conscious.

This unique group of artists says it wants to continue its passion for analogue photography. For that, they are still learning and adapting.

The exhibition, Syama-Sveta, gives you a sneak peek at the creativity and experimentation through analogue photography. It continues till December 30.

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Shrestha is a senior sub-editor at Onlinekhabar. Contact her at [email protected].

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