
Pakistani envoy praises Lumbini in meeting with Pokhrel

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Nepal Mahajar Javed meets Province 5 Chief Minister Shankar Pokhrel, in Butwal, on Sunday, April 28, 2019.






Butwal, April 28

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Nepal Mahajar Javed on Sunday held a meeting with Province 5 Chief Minister Shankar Pokhrel in Butwal, the provincial capital, in Rupandehi district.

Ambassador Javed, during the meeting, highlighted that Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha, was a place which promoted world peace.

He further stated that Nepal and Pakistan had good diplomatic relations and added that it could be strengthened  by exchanging cultural experiences.

CM Pokhrel, on the other hand, said he was eager to welcome more Pakistani visitors to the site.  He further added that it was possible to exchange cultural experience.

He urged ambassador Javed to visit other places in Province 5 to observe how different people from different groups lived harmoniously.

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