
Govt, Parliament Secretariat undecided about provincial assembly staff management

File: The Federal Parliament Secretariat

Kathmandu, December 27

The Federal Parliament Secretariat says running provincial assemblies in seven provinces needs at least 350 staff. It, however, does not have any concrete plan to manage the staff as currently working human resources are not sufficient to be deployed at the provincial level.

Whereas provincial lawmakers have already been elected, lack of coordination among government agencies is likely to hit the schedule of provincial assemblies.

Currently, the Secretariat has around 350 staff and it says they cannot be deployed at the provincial level because that many staff are essential to operate the bicameral federal Parliament in the capital. Therefore, the solution can be deploying civil servants currently working under the government for provincial assemblies.

However, they do not have any experience about handling legislative meetings and other parliamentary affairs. Hence, the Ministry of General Administration has also written to the Secretariat asking for deployment of the staff.

In response, the Secretariat has put forth a condition to send the staff that all personnel working under the Secretariat be allowed to get transferred to other ministries and departments too, according to the Secretariat’s Joint-Secretary Suraj Kumar Dura.

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