
Cholendra Shamsher Rana is unlikely to be impeached. He won’t return to the office either

Cholendra Shamsher Rana
File: Cholendra Shamsher Rana

Kathmandu, March 16

The government on Tuesday prorogued the ongoing session of both houses of the federal parliament. With this, the impeachment motion filed against Chief Justice Cholendra Shamsher Rana has been pushed into limbo.

The House of Representatives was scheduled to begin a preliminary discussion on the motion on Wednesday. However, owing to the cabinet’s recommendation, President Bidya Devi Bhandari announced the proroguing of the session to be in effect from Tuesday midnight.

Now, the next session of the parliament is likely to begin around the local elections scheduled for May 13 only. Throughout that session, the house will be busy discussing the government’s annual policy and programme and the budget statement as the constitution requires the government to announce the budget on May 29.

This session is unlikely to discuss the impeachment motion against Cholendra Shamsher Rana.

“It’s not that the budget session doesn’t discuss any other bill or proposal,” a Federal Parliament Secretariat official informs, “But, in general, we are under pressure of several businesses during the session. This year, it will be more pressure this time due to the local elections.”

Then, the house is likely to be prorogued again, without discussing the impeachment motion, as the ruling side is not willing to put it to vote without getting the support of the main opposition, CPN-UML.

If the UML supports the motion, Rana can be impeached, but that is unlikely given the stand the party has taken so far.

Cholendra Shamsher Rana will remain suspended unless the impeachment motion is approved or rejected. But, it is likely that the house will not make any decision until his retirement due to his age ceiling in December 2022.

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