
Three major parties, UDMF should reach an understanding early on: Indian leader Bhadoria


Kathmandu, January 18

Sudhindra Bhadoria, spokesperson for the Socialist Party of India, has asked Nepal’s three major political parties — the Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and the UCPN-Maoist — to reach an understanding with disgruntled political forces — United Democratic Madheshi Front — without delay.

Describing the talks going on between Nepal’s political parties as positive, the Indian leader said India will welcome and support the development if the parties reach an understanding.

He was speaking at a face-to-face that Reporters’ Club had organised in Kathmandu on Wednesday.

“Only a deal can resolve Nepal’s crisis. We want this deal to materialise sooner than later. We will be happy if the parties reach a deal. We will welcome it.”


The constitution should have incorporated the aspirants of all parties in course of promulgation, he said, commending the efforts to incorporate the issues of disgruntled forces.

The leader acknowledged the efforts to address the shortcomings in the constitution, and asked the concerned sides to incorporate the Madhesi parties’ demands without delay.

He wished that parties would reach a deal before Fagu Purnima, the festival of colours, giving people a reason to celebrate the festival.

Nepal and India are dependent on each other, he said, pledging to sort out problems that have affected relations between Nepal and India.

“We drink water originating from the Sagarmatha (Mount Everest), we irrigate our fields with this water. So this problem should end. Nepalis should solve Nepal’s problems,” he said, stressing the need to remove problems at customs points and bring life back to normal.


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