
Mayday: Tara plane vanished five minutes before landing

Pokhara, February 24

A plane taking off from Pokhara airport in Karki usually arrives at Jomsom airport in Mustang in 18-20 minutes.

So, the Tara Air plane, which left Pokhara at 7.57 am, should have reached Jomsom by around 8.17 am.  It lost contact at 8.10 am, roughly five minutes before landing at Jomsom.

Tara-Air-New-Jahaj-3Surya Bahadur Khatri, information officer at Civil Aviation Office at Jomsom, said they mobilised a Nepali Army copter for the plane’s search barely five minutes after its landing time.

Myagdi lies between Kaski and Mustang. A flight has to pass through a treacherous stretch efore arriving at Mustang, which is flatland.

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