
Nepal elections: Candidates wrapping up campaigns as ‘static time’ begins tonight

stop static time no movement silence
Photo: Flickr

Kathmandu, November 17

The Election Commission says political parties and candidates will not be allowed to carry out promotional activities from Thursday midnight for the Nepal elections scheduled to be held Sunday as the static time begins tonight.

During the 48 hours of Friday and Saturday, the parties and candidates cannot hold any public event to solicit votes, according to the commission.

Whereas the commission would name such period as ‘silence period’ in previous elections, it has renamed it as static time from this round of elections.

Before the commencement of the period, the parties and candidates should remove publicity materials. It also means that they will have to remove promotional posts from their social media accounts, informs the commission.

However, the commission says it is worried about the complexities involved in the monitoring of social media.

If any candidate is found to be violating the rule, the commission can take action against them.

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