
Marauding gang loots Dolphu village in Mugu district

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Mugu, May 27

A marauding gang of looters plundered Dolphu village in Mugum Karmarong Rural Municipality-1, Mugu district, on Saturday, taking advantage of the absence of villagers. The villagers had left their homes to climb highland meadows in search of the precious herb yarshagumba.

The armed looters ransacked houses and made off with cash, jewellery, and other goods, according to the Chairman of Karmarong Rural Municipality, Chhiring Kyapne Lama.

“There were only elderly and children in the village, which the armed gang took advantage of. Out of 50 houses, the gang plundered assets from 23,” he stated, adding that even a priest at a shrine was beaten by the gang.

The looters did not spare even the dogs guarding the houses.

Chief District Officer Topendra KC reported that a police team was dispatched from the Pulu police post, a five-hour trek from the village, immediately after receiving the information.

Mugum Karmarong-1 Chairman Tunduk Lama informed the police about the looting spree. The assailants were armed with guns, scimitars, and khukuris. They looted jewellery, ancient pots, medicinal herbs, and clothes, he added.

DSP Birendra Thapa noted that the incident site had no access to communications, making it difficult to contact the police officers mobilized there.

Wards 1, 3, and 4 of Mugum Karmarong Rural Municipality fall within Tse Phoksundo National Park. After the local government permitted the collection of yarshagumba for the season, the villagers left their homes.

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