
Feasibility study to introduce cable car system on Annapurna foothills

Members of the Sikles-Cori cable car project study team

Pokhara, January 5

A feasibility study is being carried out on foothills of the Annapurna mountain range in a bid to establish a cable car system here so as to attract more tourists.

The Madi Rural Municipality has launched the study to operate cable cars from Bhukulcha, Sikles (1,540 metres) to Kori (3,800 metres). The Rural Municipality’s Chairman Bed Bahadur Gurung says the local government plans to introduce the system without affecting the ecological balance.

He says the project will promote tourism activities in this area in the long term. He says if the project is implemented as planned, Sikles will be as vibrant as Namche Bazaar, the entry point of Mount Everest Solukhumbu.

Cubic Engineering Consultancy Pvt Ltd has been assigned to conduct the feasibility study for 6.5-km cable car project.

Earlier, leaders of the left alliance in their recent election manifesto had promised carrying out feasibility studies for various cable car projects in the district.



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