
Role of entrepreneurship education in Nepal’s quest for economic empowerment

entrepreneurship-in-nepal. entrepreneurship education
Entrepreneurship education is not just an investment in the education system; it is an investment in the nation’s future prosperity. Photo: Pexels/ Rodnae Productions

In the shadow of the towering Himalayas, Nepal faces a challenge that rivals the steepness of its mountainous terrain- the challenge of economic development. As the nation earnestly pursues its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it becomes increasingly evident that a transformation in the education system is not only necessary but also urgent.

Rooted in common living strategies, the prevailing education model, especially in higher education, may not adequately prepare the youth for the demands of the modern world.

In this critical juncture, the incorporation of entrepreneurship education emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway towards a self-reliant and prosperous Nepal.

Time to reevaluate the education system

Nepal’s journey towards economic prosperity has been marked by challenges that demand innovative solutions. The commitment of the SDGs reflects not only a global responsibility but also a domestic imperative for sustainable development. For this, it is high time to reevaluate the education system in the country.

The current education system in Nepal, deeply entrenched in common living strategies, has been the foundation of learning for generations. However, in the face of a rapidly evolving world, today’s generation aspires for more than the status quo. The call for independence reverberates through the aspirations of youth who seek a curriculum fostering critical thinking, innovation and entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurship education is a dynamic force capable of reshaping Nepal’s educational landscape. This innovative approach moves beyond traditional learning methods, providing students with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world. At its core, entrepreneurship education is about empowering students to implement learned information in practical and tangible ways.

Consider a student engrossed in the intricacies of sensor systems during a science class, entrepreneurship education transforms this theoretical knowledge into practical applications, inspiring the creation of a sensor-operated door. Such innovation born from a fusion of science and entrepreneurship becomes a valuable mindset in solving practical problems.  

Expanding the horizons of entrepreneurship education, let us delve into chemistry. Imagine students studying chemistry not just as a theoretical subject, but also as entrepreneurs in the making. Armed with entrepreneurial principles, these students can tap into Nepal’s rich biodiversity, exploring market demands for products derived from local plants.

In the scenario, chemistry students could embark on a journey to develop performance-enhancing products based on market demand, harnessing the potential of indigenous flora. What makes this approach remarkable is that it does not necessarily require sophisticated machines or extensive human resources. Instead, it leverages the inherent skills and awareness of individuals within the community, paving the way for a grassroots economic revolution.

Entrepreneurship in education

awarding Nepali teachers NEDT award
Representational graphic. Image: Freepik

The beauty of entrepreneurship education lies in its universal applicability. It is not confined to science or chemistry alone. Consider an art student, for example. Through entrepreneurship education, they can understand what art to develop (product), how much to set the price (price), where to sell (place) and how to sell (promote) their artworks. Every subject becomes a canvas for innovation and enterprise.

Moreover, entrepreneurship education is a powerful equaliser, recognising the unique skills and talents of individuals across various disciplines. It is not about fitting into a predefined mould but rather about unleashing the potential within each student. When every single person is aware of their skills and potential, they can rise to different levels, contributing to the overall progress of the nation.

Entrepreneurship education goes beyond skill recognition; it is about nurturing the ability to produce goods and mastering the art of marketing. Returning to the example of the student developing a sensor-operated door, entrepreneurship education not only equips them to produce the product but also teaches them how to navigate the complexities of marketing it to potential users and clients.

The impact of entrepreneurship education extends beyond individual success stories; it reverberates through the entire nation. A generation equipped with entrepreneurial skills becomes a driving force for economic growth and independence. They will be able to recognise the resources and ideas to utilise them to reach the global market. They will be able to be the pioneers in products and contribute to the economy. By fostering a culture of innovation, creativity and self-reliance, Nepal can reduce its dependence on external sources and strengthen its economy from within.

In essence, entrepreneurship education is not just an investment in the education system; it is an investment in the nation’s future prosperity. It is a transformative force that has the potential to shape a generation of independent thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs- the architects of a self-reliant and economically vibrant Nepal. Entrepreneurship education, by teaching students to utilise available resources (physical and financial) and make them commercial, becomes a cornerstone in the nation’s journey towards economic empowerment and independence.

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Poudel is a writer.

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