
Upcoming annual budget will focus on development of Tarai, says Information Minister Rai


Biratnagar, April 17

Minister for Information and Communications, Sher Dhan Rai, said here on Sunday that this year’s budget will introduce programmes for the development of Tarai. Talking to journalists at Biratnagar, Rai said development works have suffered due to delays in the election of representatives at local bodies. Rai expressed hope that the government will also announce the date for local elections while presenting the annual budget on May 28.

On a different note, Rai said post-quake reconstruction work is not picking up pace due to a shortage of human resources and complex legal processes. He said the government will develop collective housing for earthquake victims before the upcoming monsoon.

A committtee has already been formed to federalise the country, Rai said, expressing hope that the high-level committee formed to sort out disputes related to provincial boundaries will take full shape soon.

He asked the Nepali Congress, the main opposition, to remember the 16-point gentleman’s agreement and join the current government for the sake of the country and the people.

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