
SheDecides: 25 25-year-old youth in Nepal to discuss population issues

An event was organised in Kathmandu on Thursday, February 28, 2019, to inform about the event.

Kathmandu, March 1

Total 25 youth from 25 countries, each aged 25, have gathered in Nepal for a two-day meeting that would discussion various issues related to population management with a focus on women’s right to decide about their sexual and reproductive health.

The event that started in Kathmandu today is a part of the global campaign ‘SheDecides’ as the campaign is marking the second SheDecides Day on Saturday.

The event is attended by the youth born in 1994, the year of International Conference on Population and Development.

The organiser informs that the campaign ‘SheDecides’ was developed in 2017 as a response to US President Donald Trump’s Global Gag Rule that prevented NGOs outside the US from receiving money from the US government if they provide safe abortions or information about abortion.

The campaigners claimed the rule had devastating effects on women, girls and their communities around the world.

Currently, more than 12 million organisations and individuals from 183 countries across the world are parts of the campaign, according to UNFPA.

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