
Impact of artificial intelligence on employment and livelihood

artificial intelligence and usages
An image about artificial intelligence generated using AI tool.

In our contemporary world, technology has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, becoming an important part of our routines. Among the various technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a focal point.

AI, exemplified by the likes of Siri, Google Talk, ChatGPT, and Leo, involves the development of computers and gadgets that simulate human intelligence. Yet, an imminent concern persists: will the rise of AI lead to substantial job losses?

Significant growth of the AI market

According to estimates from Forbes, the artificial intelligence market is poised to witness significant growth, reaching a staggering USD 407 billion by 2027. The rapid uptake of AI is evident in platforms like ChatGPT, which garnered over a million users within its initial five days of release.

When we compare it with other competitors like Instagram and Netflix, this is staggering. Netflix almost took a year to get 1 million downloads whereas Instagram took two and a half months. These statistics highlight the escalating demand for AI technologies. While AI has not yet reached its pinnacle, it has already etched itself into the fabric of our daily lives.

Consider a scenario where a student faces an impending essay deadline. The prospect of an AI tool, akin to ChatGPT, crafting the essay with minimal input from the student arises. However, ethical concerns arise, questioning the impact on language skills and critical thinking if such tools become ubiquitous in educational settings.

Now, let us delve into the specific sectors where artificial intelligence might lead to people losing their jobs. An article in Forbes paints a disquieting picture, predicting that approximately 15 per cent of the global workforce—roughly 400 million workers—could face job displacement. This unsettling scenario encompasses diverse sectors, from transportation and sales to production, office roles, and even the food industry.

The gravity of this unemployment threat prompts some to appeal for a pause in AI development to minimise these potential problems. However, such a proposition prompts scrutiny.

Elimination is not a solution

generative ai tools and Artificial Intelligence in Nepal. Photo: FreePik AI jobs
Artificial Intelligence Photo: FreePik

Stopping progress is not a feasible solution, especially considering that artificial intelligence also brings job opportunities. While it may indeed replace certain traditional roles, it is estimated to generate approximately 100 million new jobs. Businesses are increasingly seeking professionals with expertise in AI-related roles, such as software engineers and data engineers.

Furthermore, it is crucial to recognise that humans possess a distinctive advantage in creativity—a world where AI often falters. Although AI can handle complex tasks, creativity and common sense remain human strengths. Creative occupations, ranging from artists to innovators, are less susceptible to AI encroachment. Even prominent AI platforms like ChatGPT acknowledge the irreplaceable human touch in dealing with creative and intricate problems.

In conclusion, the trajectory of AI development is undeniably promising, and there is a compelling need to maximise its potential. Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in propelling our society forward, and the potential displacement of certain jobs should not deter its progress. Instead, a nuanced approach is necessary—one that embraces AI while simultaneously fostering new opportunities. Striking this delicate balance ensures that the integration of AI complements, rather than replaces, human skills.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI, it is upon us to guide its development ethically and responsibly. Initiatives that prioritise the collaboration between AI and human capabilities, rather than fostering a sense of competition, will be vital. AI should be harnessed as a tool for augmentation, empowering individuals and industries to reach new heights of efficiency and innovation.

In essence, the journey with AI is an expedition into uncharted territories. While challenges and concerns accompany this expedition, the potential benefits are equally transformative. It is within our collective responsibility to steer this journey towards a future where AI enhances, rather than diminishes, the human experience.

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Shaswat Timilsina is an A-level student at Budhanilkantha School.

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