
Cabinet reshuffle: Govinda Bandi is the new law minister as Dilendra Badu moves to industry

File: Govinda Bandi
File: Govinda Bandi

Kathmandu, April 7

Advocate Govinda Bandi has been appointed the minister for law, justice and parliamentary affairs on Thursday. Likewise, incumbent law minister Dilendra Prasad Badu has been transferred to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies.

The Industry Ministry was vacant with Gajendra Bahadur Hamal resigning two days after his appointment, in October 2021.

Advocate Govinda Bandi, despite not being a mainstream politician, is said to be close to the CPN-Unified Socialist, a ruling coalition member.

He has never been in parliament. The constitution allows a non-parliamentarian to become a minister for six months before they get the parliamentary berth. If Bandi fails to get into either the House of Representatives or the National Assembly, he will have to resign after six months.

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