
Floods devastate Kanchanpur Community

Dhangadhi, July 16

Continuous rainfall has caused severe flooding in the Jamunaghat neighbourhood of Dodhara-Chandani Municipality-3 in Kanchanpur. Hem Bahadur Sunar, a resident, could not sleep on the night of July 7 due to concerns that heavy rains would flood their settlement.

Floods ravage Jamunaghat

By midnight, the water from India’s Jagbudha River, which flows into the Mahakali River, began to flood the settlement. As the water entered the village, Sunar worried about his home.

Despite his efforts, the floodwaters inundated one house after another before his eyes. The locals had no choice but to seek higher ground for safety. The floods swept away livestock, food grains, and household items.

“The heavy rain kept me awake with worry. Suddenly, the Jagbudha River flooded our house. Our livestock was swept away in moments. It was a struggle to save our lives,” Sunar told Online Khabar.

Devastation and displacement

Sunar and his neighbours relocated to safer areas with water up to their waists. Currently, Sunar and others are sheltering in the local Jamuna Basic School. Although they managed to save their lives, they lost everything else.

“It was hard to survive, but we did. We have nothing left—our livestock, clothes, utensils, and food are all gone. The house is still standing, but it’s uninhabitable,” he shared. The floods have turned the settlement into a barren wasteland and ruined the fields.

Bir Bahadur Sunar, another local, has also taken shelter at the school after the floods submerged his home and fields. “It’s been a week since the floods devastated us. Our house and fields have turned into a wasteland. We’ve been living in the school since then,” he said. Bir Bahadur added that he has nothing left but the clothes on his back.

Urgent need for relief

Local Manju Sunar is staying in the school with her three children. She fled her home during the night when the floodwaters entered the village. “There’s no problem staying here at the school, but the staff are unhappy. Our house is still standing, but it’s not dry or livable yet. We need some relief,” Manju told Online Khabar. She mentioned that the floodwaters washed away all their stored food, clothes, utensils, and livestock.

The floods also impacted the children’s education as their books and school uniforms were washed away. The Scout organization has been providing education at the shelter. The Dodhara-Chandani Municipal Office has arranged for 40 families affected by the floods to stay at the local Jamuna Secondary School.

Chief Administrative Officer Ganesh Datt Mishra stated that at least 2,500 households in the municipality were affected by the floods. While many have returned home as conditions improved, 40 families from Jamunaghat remain at the school. The municipality, with the help of NGOs, is providing necessary relief and food items.

Provincial Minister of Health, Women, and Children Om Bikram Bhat visited the affected areas and distributed medicines and health supplies. He promised that the provincial government would soon provide further relief to the flood and landslide victims.

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Bista is the Dhangadhi correspondent for Onlinekhabar.

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