
Province 3 CM urges ADB to change investment priorities

Province 3 Chief Minister Dor Mani Poudel

Hetaunda, January 18

Province 3 Chief Minister Dor Mani Paudel has suggested that Asian Development Bank, one of the biggest development partners of Nepal, change its development priorities and focus on productive sectors.

He is of the view that the ADB should evaluate achievements and outcomes of its investment in Nepal.

Speaking at a programme organised by the ADB here today, he stated that Nepali people, however, still would need support from the ADB as it would help the country combat poverty.

On the occasion, he shared the target of nine per cent economic growth rate in the province, claiming that the province was rich enough from every aspect to meet that.

Provincial Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning Kailash Dhungel; Minister for Industry, Tourism and Environment Arun Nepal; Minister for Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives Dawa Dorje Lama and Speaker Sanu Kumar Shrestha and local governments chiefs were among others were present in the programme.



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