
Locals stage protest after excavator damages Batuk Bhairav Temple compound

Kathmandu, June 11

Locals of Lagankhel in Lalitpur Metropolis staged a demonstration after an excavator damaged the compound of Batuk Bhairav Temple during road expansion work on Monday.

Locals have accused the Valley Development Authority of planning a conspiracy to destroy the temple and save the Army Petrol Pump located just opposite the temple.

Despite protest, the security personnel by force excavated the area and dismantled the compound of Guthi near the temple.

“This temple depicts the legacy of Newar community. It should not be destroyed,” they stated.

Likewise, the locals also complained about the issue to Lalitpur Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan.

“Nothing has been discussed with us on this matter. I will call them to my office and ask clarification. We too are concerned about conserving the heritage sites,” assured Maharjan.


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