
World Bank Senior Managing Director Visits Nepal

Kathmandu, June 17

Axel van Trotsenburg, the Senior Managing Director of the World Bank, is visiting Nepal. His visit is in connection with the ‘Third IDA 21 Replenishment Meeting’ of the International Development Association (IDA) under the World Bank.

This high-level World Bank meeting, which is being held in Nepal for the first time, will take place over three days starting June 18. Van Trotsenburg will preside over the meeting, which aims to strategise on World Bank assistance to low-income countries.

Initially, the government had announced that World Bank President Ajay Banga would attend the conference. However, with the Senior Managing Director set to chair the meeting, Banga will not be coming to Nepal. Van Trotsenburg is the second-ranking official at the World Bank, following Banga.

Van Trotsenburg will stay in Nepal for five days. During his visit, he is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Finance Minister Barshaman Pun, Chief Secretary Baikuntha Aryal, and other high-level officials.

The World Bank also stated that Van Trotsenburg will meet with development partners. The International Development Association (IDA) is an integral part of the World Bank that helps low-income countries. The 21st IDA meeting in Kathmandu will be attended by representatives from over 65 development partners and countries.

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